Knowledge Base

How to attach microfiber mop handle to frame
We supply two different styles of aluminum microfiber mop pad frames. These come in sizes ranging from 10" to 48", and all of these sizes attach to handles and pads...
How to attach microfiber mop handle to frame
We supply two different styles of aluminum microfiber mop pad frames. These come in sizes ranging from 10" to 48", and all of these sizes attach to handles and pads...

Microfiber Product Care
Microfiber refers to synthetic fibers that measure less than one denier. This means a single microfiber is about 200 times smaller than a single strand of human hair. When high-quality...
Microfiber Product Care
Microfiber refers to synthetic fibers that measure less than one denier. This means a single microfiber is about 200 times smaller than a single strand of human hair. When high-quality...

How to attach duster wands to handles
We supply two different dusting wands. These can be used with a variety of our microfiber duster sleeves that easily slip onto the wand. These also attach to our aluminum...
How to attach duster wands to handles
We supply two different dusting wands. These can be used with a variety of our microfiber duster sleeves that easily slip onto the wand. These also attach to our aluminum...

How to attach a Microfiber Closed-Loop Dust Mop...
Step 1: Slide the wire dust mop frame into the dust mop backing. Step 2: Pinch the dust mop handle clip to connect the handle to the dust mop frame...
How to attach a Microfiber Closed-Loop Dust Mop...
Step 1: Slide the wire dust mop frame into the dust mop backing. Step 2: Pinch the dust mop handle clip to connect the handle to the dust mop frame...

Color-code your cleaning system with microfiber...
Almost every industry benefits from a color-coded cleaning system, including hospitals, hotels, restaurants, schools, daycares, offices, and nursing homes. Color-coding is intended to help you identify different colored cleaning products...
Color-code your cleaning system with microfiber...
Almost every industry benefits from a color-coded cleaning system, including hospitals, hotels, restaurants, schools, daycares, offices, and nursing homes. Color-coding is intended to help you identify different colored cleaning products...

Selecting the right dust mop and taking care of it
What is the difference between microfiber and cotton? The main difference is microfiber is produced with smaller fibers than cotton. The fibers in microfiber are about one-third the diameter of...
Selecting the right dust mop and taking care of it
What is the difference between microfiber and cotton? The main difference is microfiber is produced with smaller fibers than cotton. The fibers in microfiber are about one-third the diameter of...